

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pot luck follow up

Pot luck was a great time.  Lots of food and laughter.  It's great that we can get together and enjoy a good meal.  Of course I ate too much so I'm taking it easy tonight.  Pretty good array of food choices.  We had everything from ham, chicken, turkey, crab augratin and a whole bunch of sides to include 2 types of mac and cheese, yams and assorted other cold salads.  All were absolutely spectacular.  Of course I can't forget the desserts.  Personally I don't eat sweets very often and I couldn't have today if I tried.  The rest of the crew had red slipper cake and I believe butter finger cake too! The smoked turkey I prepared seemed to go over pretty well.  I put the leftovers up for tomorrow just in case someone wanted a sandwich.  Off to make ice cream for Terri's mom!  I'll post later on the results. 

"Chow for now!"


1 comment:

  1. Hey! Sounds good! We should start having a potluck at my office again like we used to. Some pictures of the spread would be good! Want to see what we're talking about! Yum yum!
