Well I'll be blogging from Jackson MS next week. I'm attending job training and I'm looking forward to exploring uncharted territory in search of good food. Garden is doing well and I finished the last of the romaine last night. Tomatoes took a beating during a recent storm but I hope they'll recover soon. Squash plants are kicking out blossoms left and right and I have a few small specimens peaking out. Snow pea plants are very strong and climbing well. I also planted some cukes this week! Thanks Terri for helping me feed my cucumber jones! Haven't been to any new places lately but I'm hopeful to explore a bit more upon my return!
"Chow for Now"
Thank your lucky stars you're not in Jackson today. The weather is rockin' 'n' rollin' up there. Have a great recipe, if you can call it that, for your squash when they're ready. Travel safely.