Tomorrow we are having our Thanksgiving potluck at the office. We try to have them early so we can get the most participation possible. I was fortunate enough to be volunteered to bring a smoked turkey. As anyone who has undertaken the task of smoking a bird knows, time is not on your side. Fortunately I have discovered a great way to smoke a bird in just a couple of hours. More on that later...I chose a 13 pounder since we will have tons of food.
After a good rub down with olive oil I rubbed it down with a rub of rosemary, sea salt, pepper, onion and garlic powder.
Now for my secret I purchased this little cooker a couple of years ago and it's proved to be a workhorse.
You put a drip tray with your choice of smoke chips around the drip pan. Place grill inside and put turkey on rack. The cooker comes with a turkey rack and a lifter for the rack. Close it up fill the outside ring and top with charcoal squirt some fluid and light it up!
Now the hard part is not opening it up to take a look. This cooker is truly set it and forget it. 2 hours later...
The beauty of this is not only is it fully smoked in around 2 hours it holds onto it's moisture!! Smokey AND juicy!! What more could you ask for. The cooker is an Orion Holiday Cooker. They also sell a larger version check it out at
Well that's it for tonight. II'll follow up with the reaction from the gang at work.
Looks delicious! Wish I was having some ... LOL!